Participants who seek to present a paper at GL15 are invited to submit an English abstract between 350-400 words. The abstract should deal with the problem/goal, the research method/procedure, an indication of costs related to the project, as well as the anticipated results of the research. The abstract should likewise include the title of the proposed paper, topic(s) most suited to the paper, name(s) of the author(s), and full address information. Abstracts are the only tangible source that allows the Program Committee to guarantee the content and balance in the conference program. Every effort should be made to reflect the content of your work in the abstract submitted. Abstracts not in compliance with the guidelines will be returned to the author for revision.
Due Date and Format for Submission
Abstracts in MS Word must be emailed to by April 8, 2013. The author will receive verification upon receipt. Shortly after the Program Committee meets on April 26, 2013, authors will be notified of their place on the conference program. This notice will be accompanied by further guidelines for submission of full text papers, PowerPoint slides, as well as Conference Registration.
TextRelease Program and Conference Bureau Javastraat 194-HS 1095 CP Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel./Fax +31(0) 20-331.2420 Email