Author Directory 1994-2010 WHOIS in Grey Literature 2010
Some300 authorsfrom 34 countries worldwide have published in the International Conference Series on Grey Literature: Algeria, Antigua, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, India, Italy, Iran, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Latvia, Lesotho, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
Author Directory 1994-2010
Aceti, A.(Italy) Addis, L. (USA) Aina, L.O. (Botswana) Alberani, V. (Italy) Anderson, N. (USA) Artus, H.M. (Germany) Asserson, A. (Norway) Ayuso-Garcia, M. (Spain) Baars, C. (Netherlands) Banks, M.A. (USA) Barclay, R.O. (USA) Baron, T. (Switzerland) Bartel, H. (Germany) Barton, F. (USA) Bhabal, J. (India) Biagioni, S. (Italy) Blaaij, C. de (Netherlands) Boekhorst, A.K. (Netherlands) Bogdanov, Y.M. (Russia) Boudia, D. (France) Boukacem, C. (France) Bourasseau, C. (France) Bugni, P.F. (USA) Campanile, A.M. (Italy) Carlesi, C. (Italy) Carlucci, C. (Italy) Carman, J. (USA) Carroll, B.C. (USA) Castelli, D. (Italy) Castriotta, M. (Italy) Cerbara, L. (Italy) Chavez, T. (USA) Chillag, J. (United Kingdom) Cho, H-Y. (Korea) Choi, H. (Korea) Choi, S-H. (Korea) Choi, S-P. (Korea) Cignoni, L. (Italy) Claerebout, M.F. (France) Clare, L.M. (USA) Cleave, G.E. (United Kingdom) Collins, J. (Italy) Comberousse, M. (France) Cooke, L. (United Kingdom) Cooke, M. (USA) Cordes, R.M. (Canada) Cordier, A. (France) Cordón Garciá, J.A.(Spain) Cornish, G. (United Kingdom) Costello, G.R. (USA) Costigan, S. (USA) Cotter, G.A. (USA) Creel, A. (USA) Crowe, J. (USA) Crummett, C. (USA) Cumming, L.H. (USA) Cutler, D.E. (USA) Cuvillier, J. (France) Dallmann, D. (Switzerland) Davidson II, T.S. (USA) Davis, D. (USA) De Angelis, M. (Italy) De Castro, P. (Italy) Di Cesare, R. (Italy) Dijk, A. van (Netherlands) Dijk, E.M.S. (Netherlands) Dobbins, M. (Canada) Doughty, H. (United Kingdom) Dumas, C. (France) Dunn, K. (USA) Egerton, J. (United Kingdom) Ellis, L.S. (USA) Erwin, P. (USA) Evans, V.T.P. (USA) Fairclough, I. (USA) Farace, D.J. (Netherlands) Ferry, K. (USA) Frantzen, J. (Netherlands) Friend, F.J. (United Kingdom) Fuller, S.S. (USA) Galic, H. (Italy) Gelfand, J. (USA) Gentil-Beccot, A. (Switzerland) Ghane, M. (Iran) Gheen, T. (USA) Giannini, S. (Italy) Gitters, S.H. (USA) Gokhale, P.A. (India) Golich, V.L. (USA) Gómez de Regil, R.M. (France) Gramsbergen, E. (Netherlands) Green, C. (France) Grésillaud, S. (France)
Helmer, D. (Canada) Helsen, K. (Belgium) Henrot, N. (France) Herb, U. (Germany) Hitson, B. (USA) Hlava, M.M.K(USA) Hodge, G. (USA) Hogenaar, A. (Netherlands) Hurtado, L.G. (Netherlands) Hwang, H. (Korea) Ikeda, K. (Japan) Jackson, R.M. (USA) Japzon, A. (USA) Jaros, J. (USA) Jeffery, K.G. (United Kingdom) Jörg, B. (Germany) Johnson, T. (USA) Jones, C. (United Kingdom) Jones, F. (USA) Juznic, P. (Slovenia) Kairamo, A.K. (Finland) Karnitis, E. (Latvia) Kebede, T. (Lesotho) Keil, U. (Germany) Keith, L. (USA) Kennedy, J.M. (USA) Khan, A.R. (USA) Khan, M.T.M. (India) Kluck, M. (Germany) Knight, J. (United Kingdom) Komov, V. (Russia) Kreitz, P.A. (USA) Krichel, T. (USA) Kufa, J.C. (Botswana) Kwafo-Akoto, K. (Botswana) LaFleur, L.J. (USA) Lambert, S. (United Kingdom) Lankenau, I. (Germany) Lazzari, G. (Italy) Le Bescond, I. (France) Le Meur, J-Y. (Switzerland) Lee, S.-S. (Korea) Lehman, H. (USA) Leyton, V. (Chile) Li, M.H. (USA) Libutti, L. (Italy) Lin, Y. (Canada) Lines, M. (Canada) Lipinski, T. (USA) Lodi, E. (Switzerland) Lux, C. (Germany) Luzi, D. (Italy) MacDonald, B.M. (Canada) Mackenzie Owen, J. (Netherlands) Macri, D. (Italy) Maeda, Y. (Japan) Maggi, R. (Italy) Maly, K. (USA) Manco, M. (Italy) Mandava, L. (United Kingdom) Manghi, P. (Italy) Mares, J. (Spain) Matthews, B.M. (United Kingdom) Marzi, C. (Italy) Mazzucco, R. (Italy) McCampbell, A.S. (USA) McDermott, J.C. (USA) McMillan, G. (USA) Meel, M. van (Netherlands) Merrikin, P. (Italy) Miakova, N. (Russia) Milewski, S. (USA) Mili, F. (Canada) Minderhoud, M. (Netherlands) Moahi, K.H. (South Africa) Morita, I.T. (Japan) Moshoeshoe, M.M. (Lesotho) Munoz-Moya, E. (Spain) Murthy, T.A.V. (India) Musser, L.R. (USA) Myohanen, L. (USA) Nahotko, M. (Poland) Nakagawa, K. (Japan) Nechiporenko, V.P. (Russia) Nelson, M. (USA) Newbold, E. (United Kingdom) O'Dell, C. (Switzerland) Ogawa, H. (Japan) Ono, T. (Japan) Osif, B.A. (USA) Osuna Alarcón, M.R. (Spain) Otike, J.N. (Kenya) Oxnam, M. (USA)
Pagamonci, A. (Italy) Pagano, P. (Italy) Paillassard, P. (France) Pardelli, G. (Italy) Pavlov, L.P. (Russia) Pejsova, P. (Czech Repubic) Perrault, A. (USA) Perry, B. (USA) Peterman, D. (USA) Pfeiferova, M. (Czech Repubic) Pindlowa, W. (Poland) Pinelli, T.E. (USA) Pitoni, I. (Italy) Prost, H. (France) Rabina, D.L. (USA) Rama Devi, T. (India) Ranger, S.L. (USA) Ramos-Lum, M. (USA) Reehling, P. (USA) Reid, G. (United Kingdom) Revere, D. (USA) Ricci, F.L. (Italy) Robeson, P. (Canada) Rocklin, E. (France) Roem, W. (Netherlands) Romano, G.A. (Italy) Roosendaal, H. (Netherlands) Roubinkova, A. (France) Ruggieri, R. (Italy) Rupp, N. (USA) Rudasill, L.M. (USA) Sala, C. (Italy) Salinetti, S. (Italy) Sassi, M. (Italy) Sato, H. (Japan) Savoie, I. (Canada) Schaer, P. (Germany) Schöpfel, J. (France) Seadle, M. (USA) Sen, B. (India) Seo, T.-S. (Korea) Serbanati, L.D. (Romania) Shen, W. (Germany) Shim, H-S. (Korea) Shin, K. (Korea) Shraiberg, Y. (Russia) Siegel, G.E. (USA) Simkhada, P. (United Kingdom) Simko, T. (Switzerland) Simpson, D.B. (USA) Siwek, K. (Poland) Starovoitov, A.V. (Russia) Staub, J. (USA) Stempfhuber, M. (Germany) Stock, C. (France) Sturges, P. (United Kingdom) Stuyts, C. (Netherlands) Tabangcura, M. (Philippines) Takalkar, A. (India) Taylor, E. (USA) Théaux, W. (France) Titarev, L.G. (Russia) Tomren,H. (USA) Torres Ramirez, I. de (Spain) Tsuda, H. (Japan) Vaska, M. (Canada) Vazquez, M. (Spain) Vesely, M. (Switzerland) Vigen, J. (Switzerland) Vijayakumar, J.K. (Saudi Arabia) Villars, J.A. (Ghana) Vogel, S. (USA) Von Hofe, H. (USA) Wada, M. (Japan) Wattenberg, U. (Germany) Weber, M. (Switzerland) Webster, J. (USA) Wells, P.G. (Canada) Witte, J. de (Netherlands) Woofter, A. (USA) Wyness, L. (United Kingdom) Yoo, S. (Korea) Young, P.R. (USA) Zemskov, A. (Russia) Zijlstra, B.H.A. (Netherlands) Zoppi, F. (Italy)
WHOIS in the field of Grey Literature 2010
”WHOIS in the field of Grey Literature” is a compilation of biographical notes provided by authors in the International Conference Series on Grey Literature. This online resource is maintained by TextRelease, the Program and Conference Bureau. Records in this directory appear in alphabetical order by last name of author and each record contains a current email address. Should an author wish to revise his/her entry or should a new record be added, please contact
A Helmut M. Artus studied sociology and communication and holds a doctorate degree. He works for the Social Science Information Centre (IZ) in Bonn, Germany, where for seven years he was in charge of the retrieval and documentation of grey literature in the social sciences. For about five years, he has participated in research projects dealing with grey literature. Currently, he is in charge of internet-based information services and PR. Since 2001, Artus is responsible for the coordination of the Infoconnex Project and the integration and marketing of the Vascoda Project. Email:
Nikkia Anderson is a Technical Information Specialist for Information International Associates, Inc. (IIa).She earned a BS in Computer Science from Bowie State University in Bowie, MD in 2003 and is currently pursuing a MLIS at Drexel University.She is experienced in metadata, taxonomy, and repository development.Other areas of interest include scanning, optical character recognition, and preservation. Email:
Anne Asserson holds a Cand. polit. with a Masters in Information Science from the University of Bergen, UiB. She has been working with Research Documentation, and has participated in substantial parts of CRIS developmental work, locally and nationally. Anne Asserson has been part of the establishing and implementing of a Research Documentation system, Fdok, at the UiB. For several years she was the chairwoman of the Steering Group of the national CRIS system and project secretary of a National system for academic administration. Anne Asserson is presently representing UiB in the national group that is implementing a new national research documentation system, FRIDA. She has also participated in The CORDIS funded European-wide project on " Best Practice" 1996 . She was a member of the working group set up 1997 that produced the report CERIF2000 Guidelines (1999), coordinated by the DGXIII-D4. euroCRIS is now the custodian of the CERIF model Anne Asserson is a member of the Best Practice Task Group. Email: B Marcus A. Banks Marcus A. Banks is a librarian at the New York University School of Medicine. He is also the editor of the open access journal Biomedical Digital Libraries, and the Chair of the Medical Library Association's Task Force on Librarians without Borders. Marcus is also the recipient of the GreyNet Award 2006. He is interested in how the concept of grey literature will continue to evolve in the digital age. Email:
Jyoti Bhabal - Working as a Lecturer at SHPT School of Library Science, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai since 2000. She is Bachelor of Commerce, Masters in Library and Information Science and currently pursuing her PhD in Library and Information Science on 'Information Needs of Reserved Category Teachers in Colleges and Universities'. She has conducted minor research project on 'Library and Information needs of Reserved Category PG students of SNDT Women's University'. Her primary interests are 'Library Use and User Studies', 'Library Design' and 'Caste-Based Minority Issues'. At present she is teaching 'Library Management' and 'Subject Access to Documents' at Bachelor of Library and Information Science course. Email:
Stefania Biagioni is graduated in Italian Language and Literature at the University of Pisa and specialized in data processing. She is currently a member of the research staff at the Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "Alessandro Faedo" (ISTI), an institute of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) located in Pisa. She is head librarian and member of the ISTI Networked Multimedia Information Systems Laboratory (NMIS). She has been the responsible of ERCIM Technical Reference Digital Library (ETRDL) and currently of the PUMA (PUblication MAnagement) & MetaPub, a service oriented and user focused infrastructure for institutional and thematic Open Access repositories looking at the DRIVER vision, She has coauthored a number of publications dealing with digital libraries. Her activities include integration of grey literature into library collections and web access to the library's digital resources, including electronic journals and databases. She is a member of GreyNet since 2005. Email: Cees de Blaaij studied Social and Economic History at the University of Nijmegen and Library Science at the University of Amsterdam. He worked for Ernst & Young, management consultants, and the Institute for Information Law (University Amsterdam) as information professional. At the moment he is working as an academic librarian and coordinator digital services for the Public and Academic Library of Zealand, Netherlands. He took part in several GL conferences. He published several articles on issues concerning copyright in the digital environment and accessibility of grey literature on the Internet. Email:
Albert K. Boekhorst (1943) studied sociology at the University of Amsterdam. Since 1987 he is working at the dept of Information Science at the same university. He is visiting professor at the University of Pretoria (South Africa) and also teaches at the University of Peking (China) and at the Pedagogical University of Tallinn (Estonia). He teaches courses on the role and infrastructure of information and knowledge in organizations. In his research he concentrates on theoretical aspects of the role of information in societies in general and the access to information more specifically. Information literacy is a special field of interest in this context. Email: Chérifa Boukacem graduated with a Master’s Degree in library sciences from the University of Algiers (DZ) in 1996. She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Lyon-2 in 2004 with a comparative study on French academic interlibrary loan and access to digital resources. From 2001 to 2003, she worked at the department of scientific and technical information of the University of Lyon-1, she teaches since 2000 library and information science to students and professionals, is member of the French research group in library sciences, DOCSI/GRESI, and co-edits a digital serials, Konex. Her main interests are on e-publishing and multimedia, library software, statistics and Scientometrics and professional counseling. Actually, she is working on the transformation of the digital library and on a longitudinal study of document supply, impact factor and the switch from print to electronic resources. Email: C Anna Maria Campanile is a researcher in Librarianship and Documentation Science; Employed at Central Library of National Research Council. Areas of Expertise: Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures; Specialized librarian with a degree in Library Sciences (Vatican School of Library Sciences). Other activities: Participating to national and international Project (for example: INCIPIT Project, an European Community Project on Incunabula CD-ROM edition). She is experience in: - Descriptive Cataloguing, Classification and Indexing; - Managing Grey Literature Documents (SIGLE System); - Reference activities in assisting library users; - Teaching in professional trainings for librarians, documentalists, students and users. Email:
Chiara Carlucci graduated and specialized in library sciences, is currently researcher officer of ISFOL Institute for the Development of vocational training for workers (National Public Research organization involved in VET and labour policies). Since 1997 co-responsible for designing and managing research projects on scientific documentation and technical information concerning institutional fields and coordinator of the Specialised documentation Centre of ISFOL. She is an author of scientific and technical issues on specific themes. Email:
Bonnie C. Carroll, President of Information International Associates, Inc. (IIa), supports government and industry in managing information as a strategic resource. She is Secretariat Director of CENDI, the federal scientific and technical information (STI) managers’ group and Consultant to USGS, supporting the development of the National Biological Information Infrastructure and the OSTP Biodiversity Informatics Working Group to promote interagency coordination of national and international biodiversity informatics initiatives. For over 3 decades, she has participated in research and development projects including a major assessment of STI in the U.S. for the National Science Foundation; the development of a topography of STI systems for the Library of Congress; and the development of a system to provide input to the DOE's Energy Science and Technology Database. She helped develop a National Information Strategy for the Kingdom of Jordan and has done special studies for the International Atomic Energy Agency, UNESCO and the World Bank. Before starting IIa, Ms. Carroll worked at DOE’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information as Director of Program Development and International Activities and Deputy and Acting Assistant Manager for Information Services. She worked with contract research companies, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Cornell University. She served as President of the American Society for Information Science &Technology and as Chair of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Section on Information, Computing and Communications. Ms. Carroll is currently the US National Representation to International CODATA under the auspices of the International Committee for Science (ICSU) and is on the editorial board for the journal Information Services and Use. She has an MS from Columbia University and a BA from Cornell University. Ms. Carroll has been active in gray literature research and management dating back to the early 1990s. Email:
Donatella Castelli joined the CNR-ISTI in 1987. Since then she has participated actively in several EU and Nationally funded projects on Digital Libraries and Research Infrastructures. Among them: “ERCIM Digital Library-DELOS”, DELOS ECHO, SCHOLNET (as scientific co-ordinator), CYCLADES, Open Archives Forum, DLib Competence Center, DILIGENT (as scientific co-ordinator) and DRIVER. Currently she is the Scientific Co-ordinator of the D4Science and D4Science-II projects. She is also involved in the BELIEF-II, DRIVER-II, OpenAIRE, and GRDI2020 FP7 projects. Her research interests include digital libraries content modelling, interoperability and architectures. Email:
Maria Castriotta is a Documentalist Researcher at the National Italian Institute for Safety and Health at Work since 1995. She is involved in studies regarding information systems related to Occupational Safety and Health, with the use of various supports. She has promoted, among others, two projects for the construction of the ISPESL Grey Literature Databank and of the Research Databank. She participated in several workgroups within the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work in Bilbao and is involved in the Topic Centre Work and Health for the maintenance of the Agency Webpage on Research. She formerly worked for 14 years at the National Italian Institute of Health, using online systems for biomedical documentation retrieval. Email:
Todd A. Chavez is Director of Collection Analysis for the University of South Florida Libraries. His research agenda includes assessment of collections advancing interdisciplinary research and Internet-based subject/discipline knowledge portals. Current projects include the Karst Information Portal and a medieval studies portal connecting Florida's emerging community of medievalists. Email:
Heeyoon Choi is the director of Knowledge Information Center at Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information(KISTI), sponsored by the Korean government. Before coming to KISTI, she worked for POSCO Research Institute(POSRI) as the Director of Knowledge Asset Center. She is involved in various other projects such as serving as the Editor-in-Chief of a quarterly academic journal called "Information Management Research”, the vice president of Korea Knowledge Innovation Association and the Public Relations Chief of WLIC 2006 Seoul. She is also the vice president of ICSTI(the International Council for Scientific and Technical Information) which is the unique forum for interaction between S&T information organizations all over the world. Her particular areas of interest are knowledge ecology, knowledge management, scholarly communications and collection development. She holds masters and PhD in Library & Information Science from Yonsei University in Korea, and post-master degree from Dominican University in United States. Email:
Laura Cignoni, a former British School teacher, has been working at the Institute for Computational Linguistics in Pisa of the National Research Council since 1981. Her interests and activity range from studies in comparative lexicology and lexicography, with particular regard to multiword expressions in English and Italian, to philology and its related disciplines, to the creation of computer tools for children’s dictionaries. She has participated in many national and international projects including the recent ongoing Medici Project in Florence. She has edited numerous publications, in particular the journal “Linguistica Computazionale”, publication of the Institute for Computational Linguistics. Email:
Jean Collins is Fisheries Librarian at FAO where she has worked since 1990 providing information services primarily to the FAO Fisheries Department and fisheries organizations in developing countries.She is very active in the International Association of Aquatic Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) strengthening professional network among fisheries libraries. She is also editor of several FAO publications addressing the issues of libraries in developing countries and the role of information in fisheries development. Email:
Ruth Cordes is a 2003 MLIS graduate of the School of Library and Information Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. She also holds a BSc (Honours Physics) from Dalhousie, and an MSc (Physical Oceanography) from the University of British Columbia. She is currently employed as a Research Assistant in the Department of Chemistry at Dalhousie University. Email:
Althea Hickman Creel was born in Parkersburg, West Virginia. She earned her B.A. from the University of Tennessee in 1997, and graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Law with a JD in 2000. She was the Special Materials Editor for the Tennessee Law Review in 1998 through 2000. Althea now is the Senior Research Assistant with the Knoxville, Tennessee, multi-dimensional law firm of Butler, Vines and Babb, PLLC, with an emphasis in the areas of personal injury, medical malpractice, Social Security disability, products liability, and employment law litigation. She maintains the firm’s law library and online research resources and performs research for and composition of legal documents and pleadings. She is working toward a master's in information science at the University of Tennessee and is a graduate assistant at its Hodges Library Reference Desk. Email:
June Crowe is the Senior Researcher and Group Manager, Open Source Research Division at Information International Associates, Inc. (IIa). She received her AMLS from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and her M.Ed. in geographic education from the University of Georgia, Athens. She has extensive experience in the management and operations of library services across government, public, academic, and special libraries. At IIa she manages the open source research division which focuses on medical, socio-cultural, science and technology and business research. Her primary interests are open source information in Grey Literature, digital repositories, and open source intelligence tools. Email: Courtney Crummett is a fellow at the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland. She holds an MA from University of South Florida School of Library and Information Science and an MS in geology from the University of Maryland. Her research interests include usage of electronic tools such as, blogs, RSS feeds, wikis, to facilitate information seeking for scientists. Email: Deborah Cutler has worked at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information (DOE/OSTI) for more than 24 years, following graduation from the University of Tennessee. As a Technical Information Specialist, she has served as OSTI’s International Program Manager for more than a decade. Previous roles at OSTI have included being Chief of the Systems Analysis and Program Development branch and lead programmer for international information exchange. In addition to her current DOE/OSTI role, she manages operations as the Operating Agent Representative for the Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE), a multilateral international information exchange agreement under the auspices of the International Energy Agency. She is also the alternate U.S. Liaison Officer for the International Atomic Energy Agency’s International Nuclear Information System (IAEA/INIS). Email: D Thomas S. Davidson II was a Senior Military Intelligence Analyst at the Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. He founded and led the FMSO Mexico and Southwest Border Security Team for exploitation of primary language Latin American open source material for items of interest to U.S. National and Border Security. His training includes coursework at the Defense Language Institute, Monterey, California, for Vietnamese, German, Korean, and Czech languages, as well as other military development courses, to include the Warrant Officer Advanced course in 1993. Davidson owned and operated a language institute, Languages of El Paso, which provided language services in five primary languages to the "maquiladora" industry in Cd. Juárez, Cd. Chihuahua, and Nogales, Sonora. In 1997 he supported Bechtel Corporation on its PEMEX contract as a human resource manager and liaison to Mexican border and customs agencies. CWO4 Davidson’s awards include the Legion of Merit, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Joint Service Commendation Medal, two Army Commendation Medals, the Army Achievement Medal, and the German Army Marksmanship Award. Email:
Monia De Angelis graduated in library sciences, is currently officer of ISFOL, Institute for the Development of vocational training for workers (National Public Research organization involved in VET and labour policies). She works in the Specialised Documentation Centre and she’s involved in research projects on scientific documentation and technical information concerning institutional fields. Since 2006 she collaborates with Refernet project. ReferNet is a structured, decentralised, networked system of information collection and dissemination. It provides high quality information on a wide range of developments in vocational education and training, and learning in the European Union by bringing together the expertise of key organisations. Email:
Paola De Castro is responsible for the production and diffusion of open and grey literature issued by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, the Italian National Institute of Health, producing a quarterly official journal, a non-commercial monthly newsletter and different series of technical reports. She has published many articles on the information transfer process both at national and international level with special reference to the role of grey literature and takes part in the national and international debate in the field; she delivers courses on scientific writing for the Italian National Health Service operators, she is an active member of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE), the European Association of Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) and the Italian Library Association (AIB). Email: Rosa Di Cesare was born in Civita d'Antino (AQ) in 1952 and graduated from "La Sapienza" University in Rome in 1982. She received her diploma in Librarianship from the Vatican Library in 1996. She worked in the Central Library of National research council (CNR), where she started to become involved in research activity in the field of Grey literature (GL). Member of the Technical Committee for the SIGLE database from 1995 to 2001, she is presently responsible for the Library at the Institute of research on population and social policies (IRPPS) of the National research council. Her studies have focused on citation analysis and on the use of GL in scientific publications. Email: Elly Dijk graduated from the University of Amsterdam, where she studied Human Geography and Documentary Information Science. She is an editor at the Department of Research Information of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). She has been involved in the development of the Dutch national research database, CRIS (Current Research Information System). She is also the coordinator of DAREnet, the portal developed as part of the Digital Academic REpositories (DARE) programme. This is a joint initiative by the Dutch universities to make their research results available in digital form. In addition, she is a member of the working group Repository Managers of the SURFshare programme (2007-2010). Elly Dijk is also a member of the project group for NARCIS, a portal which integrates the scientific information from CRIS, repositories and archives with datasets. She is a member of the programme committee of CRIS2008, to be held in Maribor, Slovenia, in June 2008.Email:
Maureen Dobbins, RN, PhD is an associate professor in the School of Nursing at McMaster University. Currently she is career scientist of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Her research efforts have sought to understand knowledge transfer and uptake and evidence-informed decision making among public health decision makers in Canada. Studies have included: identification of barriers and facilitators to research utilization; understanding the information needs of public health decision makers at the local, provincial and federal level; evaluating the use of systematic reviews in provincial policies; exploring where research evidence fits into the decision-making process; evaluating the impact of knowledge transfer strategies, and exploring knowledge brokering in public health units in Ontario. On March 10, 2005 she launched the web site This registry houses all reviews evaluating the effectiveness of public health and health promotion interventions published since 1985. The value of this registry is that it meets the need for a single source of high quality effectiveness evidence in public health/health promotion; a need clearly articulated by Canadian public health decision makers. Email:
Cédric Dumas came into the Ecole des Mines de Nantes (France) in 1999 as an assistant professor in Human Computer Interaction, after a PhD defended on Collaborative Virtual Environments at the University of Lille. At that time his research interests lay in advanced three dimensional interaction models and synchronous computer supported collaborative work. In charge of the Castor digital library project since June 2001, he works on the open-archive platform development, but also on the research aspects such advanced interfaces for digital library browsing. Email:
Kathel Dunn is a PhD candidate in Library Science at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Her research interests are in scholarly communication, particularly in the use of bibliometrics to discover patterns of publication and use of grey literature. Her dissertation is expected to explore the value of grey literature within academe. She received her Masters in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has held a number of positions in health sciences libraries for over 10 years and is currently the Associate Director for Public Services at Ehrman Medical Library, at New York University. Email: E Patricia Erwin is Senior Assistant Director for Informatics Services at the Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire). She has held information management related positions at the Dartmouth College Library, the University of Virginia Library System, and in private industry. She regularly teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in knowledge management, organizational learning, and critical thinking. Ms Erwin holds a Masters Degree in Library and Information Science from Indiana University, and a Masters Degree in Internet Strategies Management from Marlboro College. Her primary interests are in how organizations leverage what they know to push a disciple or area of knowledge forward, the role management of information plays in the research process, and how organizational structure enhances or impedes the flow of information. Email: F Ian Fairclough is a Cataloging & Metadata Librarian at George Mason University.A native of Liverpool, England, in 1975 he moved to Toronto to study musicology and since 1977 has lived all across the United States.He has served in numerous positions in a wide range of libraries - academic, public, and special; large, medium, and small.His M.L.S. degree is from Queens College, CUNY.From 2001 to 2008 he lived in Marion, Ohio and worked on the River Valley Collection repository of grey literature. Email:
Dominic J. Farace is Director of TextRelease, an Amsterdam based information bureau specializing in grey literature and networked information. He is a native Louisianan and holds two degrees in sociology from Creighton University (BA) and the University of New Orleans (MA). His doctoral dissertation in social sciences is from the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, where he has lived and worked for the past twenty-seven years. After six years heading the Department of Documentary Information at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Swidoc/KNAW), he founded GreyNet, Grey Literature Network Service, in 1993 and has since been responsible for the international GL-Conference Series. In this capacity, he serves as Program and Conference Director as well as managing editor of the conference proceedings. Since 2004, he is a Guest Lecturer on Grey Literature in the Masters Program at the University of Amsterdam; Instructor of Grey Literature via UNO Distance Education, and Editor of TGJ, The Grey Journal. Email:
Jerry Frantzen graduated in 1999 from the College of Amsterdam in Library and Information Science. Frantzen is the technical editor of The Grey Journal (TGJ). And, since 1996, he is affiliated with GreyNet, Grey Literature Network Service, as a freelance technical consultant. Email:
G Julia Gelfand has been a librarian with the University of California, Irvine Libraries since 1981. She has been tracking the grey literature movement since the late 1980s and has participated in all of the previous GL conferences and has published and presented widely on different topics in grey literature. Her particular interests are in scholarly communications, electronic publishing, collection development, bibliography of science and technology, and she thinks that with more emphasis on networking and digital libraries, Grey Literature has a very interesting future. She is currently the chair of the IFLA Science & Technology Section and vice-chair/chair-elect of the ALA ACRL Science & Technology Section. Email:
Anne Gentil-Beccot studied French literature before obtaining a master degree in Information Science. She is now serials librarian in the CERN Scientific Information Service and contributes to the CERN Open Access actions. Email:
Mohammad Reza Ghane (B.A., M.A., Ph.D.) is faculty member of Regional Library of Science and Technology (RLST) which is located in Shiraz, Iran .He was assistant for administrative and financial affairs from 1993 to 1998 and has been assistant for research affairs since 1999.He has taught courses at graduate and postgraduate levels He graduated with B.A. in English Language and Literature from Shiraz University, Iran in 1985. He completed an M.A. in Library and Information Science at Shiraz University in 1991. In 2001 he was awarded a scholarship to carry out a PhD in Library and Information Science, University of Tehran, Iran. He has great interest in Open Access Movement and published an article and had presentation on this area. His PhD thesis is carrying out on “Procedures for Providing an Appropriate Pattern for Iranian Universities Academics’ Open Access to Scientific Information”. Email:
Tina Gheen is the Library Director at the National Science Foundation (NSF) in Arlington, Virginia, where she manages library operations, projects, and staff. She is particularly interested in making the grey literature in the NSF Library collection machine readable and searchable so that it may be leveraged for future scientific work. She received her MLS from the University of North Texas and her BS in Biology from Southwest Texas State University. She is currently a representative of CENDI, an interagency working group of senior scientific and technical information managers from 13 U.S. federal agencies; FLICC, the Federal Library and Information Center Committee; the FEDLINK Advisory Council; and the Naval Research Laboratory Alliance. Email:
Silvia Giannini graduated and specialized in library sciences.Since 1987 she has been working in Pisa at the Institute for the Science and Technologies of Information “A. Faedo” of the Italian National Council of Research (ISTI-CNR) as a librarian. She is a member of the ISTI Networked Multimedia Information Systems Laboratory (NMIS).She is responsible of the library automation software “Libero” in use at the CNR Research Area in Pisa and coordinates the bibliographic and managing activities of the ISTI library team. She cooperates in the design and development of the PUMA (PUblication MAnagement) & MetaPub, an infrastructure software for institutional and thematic Open Access repositories of published and grey literature produced by CNR. Email:
Pratibha Gokhale is a senior Library Professional in India having an experience of nearly 30 years in the field. She graduated in Chemistry & then obtained her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Library & information science and a PH.D. in Grey Literature from University of Mumbai. She worked in Tata Institute of Fundamental Research & thereafter in I.C.I.(India)Ltd as a Librarian. She was instrumental in setting up a Special Library for Chemical Technology & allied sciences, created a patents database, set up a microfilming unit and conducted minor projects in chemical literature field. She is an Associate Professor in Library & information Science at University of Mumbai for the past 12 years. Her teaching specialization includes Indexing, Classification, Information Retrieval, Library Management and Applications of IT. She has attended several National & International Conferences including the GL97 at Luxembourg, is a resource person at courses and has about 30 articles, conference papers at her credit, is a guiding teacher for PhD research. Email:
Sylvie Grésillaud graduated as a Dr Engineer from the French "Grandes Ecoles" National Graduate Chemistry School of Montpellier” in 1986. After some months in working at the private pharmaceutical industry, she joined the National Industrial Property Institute" as a documentalist. Since 1989, she has several activities in the National Institute of the Scientific and Technical Information (INIST-CNRS), mainly as a project Manager. Today, she is the head of the electronic publishing service. She also teaches edition methodology and technology at the different universities (Lyon, Besançon and Nancy) and CNRS doctoral school. Email: H
Nathalie Henrot graduated in History, then in Information Sciences from the University of Tours in 1988. She has been working for the INIST-CNRS for seventeen years, more specifically at the Monographs & Grey Literature Section from 1993, for congress proceedings acquisition. She is now the user administrator in the OpenSIGLE project. Email:
Ulrich Herb studied Sociology at Saarland University in Germany. He is employed at Saarland University and State Library, which is not only the local University and State Library for Saarland but also the special subject collection library for the discipline Psychology in Germany. He headed different projects dealing with free of charge electronic scientific information in the field of Psychology like the virtual psychology library and Digital Psychology Information DPI. In addition to the above mentioned projects he engaged in a number of initiatives dealing with the aspects of nationwide information supply both disciplinary and interdisciplinary. Today his major tasks are digital publishing in general, development and management of electronic publishing services (regional at Saarland University and supra-regional for the psychologist’s community in Germany), alternative publishing models and Open Access. Email:
Brian Hitson is Associate Director for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. In this position, Mr. Hitson is responsible for international information exchange programs, administrative and financial management, cost-reimbursable activities, limited access information programs, and the digitization and preservation of a 1.2 million scientific document repository. As part of his international responsibilities, Mr. Hitson coordinated the development of the global science gateway, and the establishment of its multilateral governance structure, the WorldWideScience Alliance. He is Chairman and U.S. representative to the International Energy Agency's Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE), which manages the world's largest energy research, technology, and development database. He is also the U.S. representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency's International Nuclear Information System (INIS). In addition, he serves on the elected Bureau of the International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) as Chair of the Technical Activities Coordinating Committee. Mr. Hitson has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and a Master's in Business Administration, both from the University of Tennessee. Email:
Gail Hodge, IIa Senior Information Scientist, is an authority in the field of information science, with an emphasis on metadata, taxonomy, and thesaurus development. For over 25 years, she has helped organizations develop systems for capturing metadata and for using classification schemes, thesauri, and other knowledge organization sources in a variety of fields, including the environment, life sciences, and aerospace. Email:
Hyekyong Hwang is a senior research librarian of overseas information department in Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information. She is responsible for researching potential Open Access Initiative compatible in Korea Scholarly Communication environment. She earned master of library & information science from Yonsei University in Korea. Her particular interests are in scholarly communications, open access, digital archiving, electronic publishing, and collection development. She is now observing the emergence of a variety of repository frameworks according to open access paradigm. She is a steward of the Open Access Forum in Korea. Email: I Kiyoshi Ikeda works as librarian at the Central Library of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). He joined JAERI (former JAEA) in 2004, and had been working for acquisition of library materials (domestic/foreign books, journals and technical reports). Since 2007, he is in charge of editing work at “JAEA Reports” and “JAEA R&D Review” which are grey literatures. He is also a member of editorial board of the Japan Special Library Association (JSLA) since 2008. He holds a degree in library and information science (M.A.) from the Graduate School of University of Library and Information Science (in Japan). Email:
J Rose M. Jackson is assistant professor, Reference Librarian and Information Consultant to the College of Urban and Public Affairs, at Portland State University. She is responsible for collection development, instruction, and research within the areas of Community Health, Urban Studies, Administration of Justice, Political Science, and Public Administration. She is the recent recipient of a LSTA grant to develop a digital library for urban planning data, documents and reports. She is currently collaborating with municipal agencies within the Portland Metropolitan Area and the School of Urban Studies at Portland State University to preserve and provide access to reports and GIS data regarding the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). She received her undergraduate degrees in Business Administration and Economics and holds graduate degrees in International Relations, English and Library and Information Science. Email: Andrea Japzon is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in information science at Drexel University. She has a BA in English from the University of Florida, MLS from Florida State University and MA in geography from Hunter College of the City University of New York. She has worked for The New York Public Library, the Hunter College Library, the Enoch Pratt Free Library, and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Library. She was the recipient of the Society of Woman Geographers fellowship for studies in urban geography and her current studies are supported by an IMLS fellowship. Recent publications include “A neighborhood analysis of public library use in New York city,” in Library Quarterly. She has been an active member of ALA for over 12 years and positions held include Chair of the Notable Books Council. Joe Jaros received a B.A. and an M.A. from the University of Texas at Austin, Texas. His M.S. in Library and Information Science is from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He spent five years working for the Colonial Records Project for the North Carolina State Archives in the United Kingdom. He has since held a number of different positions at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. Since 1990, he has been associated with the Medical Sciences Library at that University, and is currently the Veterinary Historical Collections Librarian. He has made numerous presentations on information services and published in a number of library and information science related journals. His interest in grey literature began with reference work for the veterinary college at Texas A&M and has become more focused in his archival and preservation work. Email:
Keith Jeffery is currently Director, IT and International Strategy of STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council), based at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in UK.Previously he was Head of Business and Information Technology Department with a staff of 140 supporting over 360000 users, developing software for business and science and doing leading edge R&D.STFC hosts the UK and Ireland Office of W3C and develops and supports the largest OA (Open Access) institutional repository in UK.Keith is a Fellow of both the Geological Society of London and the British Computer Society.He is a Chartered Engineer.He is an Honorary Fellow of the Irish Computer Society.He is president of euroCRIS ( and of ERCIM ( and holds three honorary professorships.He has extensive publications and has served on numerous programme committees and research grant review panels.He has particular interests in ‘the research process’ and the relationship of hypotheses, experiments, primary data and publications based on research in information systems, knowledge-based systems and metadata. Email: Primož Južnič is an associate professor at the Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies at Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). His main area of research and interest is bibliometrics, collection management and LIS education. He teaches the following courses: Bibliometrics, Special libraries, and Collection Management. Before starting his university career, he was a heading different special and academic libraries and information/computer centres. He was also working at the European Commission, for three years, as the seconded informatics expert. Email
Brigitte Jörg studied information science, information systems and business administration at Saarland University, where she graduated by receiving a Magister (M.A.). She works as a researcher in the Language Technology Lab at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). Since 2001 Brigitte was involved with several development cycles of the LT World portal (, architecture and system as well as with the maintenance and updates of content in the wider range of Language Technology. Since early 2005 Brigitte is manager of the European IST World project (, with partners from 15 European countries, to integrate and analyze European research information in IST. Since 2004 she has been a member of the CERIF task group at euroCRIS and was appointed CERIF task group leader in early 2007. Email: K Anna-Kaarina Kairamo, MSc (University of Helsinki); qualified Information Specialist (Helsinki University of Technology), worked with several publishing companies for ten years and several years as an Information manager with Helsinki University of Technology, Lifelong Learning Institute Dipoli. She has also been working as a Project Manager in several projects related to using information and communication technology in training and education. Last five years she has been leading the Teaching and Learning Development Unit of Helsinki University of Technology. Email: L
Isabelle Le Bescond is librarian at the Lille1 University Central Library, Science and Technology, since 2005. She is currently responsible for developing the digital library Iris. She has served in different University Libraries (Paris, Strasbourg) since 1994. She studied German language and literature. Email: LeRoy LaFleur is the Social Sciences Bibliographer at Cornell University's Albert R. Mann Library where he is responsible for developing the library's collection of social and life sciences materials and serves as liaison to a variety of social sciences departmental units. Additionally, he provides reference and consultation services to Cornell students, faculty and staff and teaches course related and application based workshops throughout the year. His professional interests include information and collection policies for multimedia and data collections, scholarly communications issues for research communities, and information literacy training and assessment. He holds an undergraduate degree in Sociology from Michigan State University and a Masters of Library and Information Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Email: Simon Lambert is a member of the Information Science and Engineering group in the Business and Information Technology Department at CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. He has been working in the field of knowledge-based systems and related areas for many years, first with the companies SPL and Systems Designers, and then at CCLRC. He has been the CCLRC project leader on a range of research and development projects, including many under the European ESPRIT and IST programmes. In these roles he has conducted requirements analysis, knowledge acquisition, system design and implementation, user trials and the writing of documentation. Currently his interests include knowledge management and environmental information systems. Most recently he was the overall project coordinator for the IST project Pellucid, which produced a platform for experience management systems for public employees. He is currently involved in the European project CISTRANA, developing a Current Research Information System for national research activities across Europe. Email: Elizabeth D. Liddy is Trustee Professor in the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University and Director of its Center for Natural Language Processing, where she leads a team of 20+ researchers focused on developing human-like language-understanding software technologies. Dr. Liddy is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Upstate Medical University. Dr. Liddy has successfully applied Natural Language Processing to information access technologies in a wide range of domains, including complimentary and alternative medicine and public health. Both government and corporate funders on a total of 50+ projects have continuously supported Liddy’s research agenda. Her research has resulted in 100+ professional papers and hundreds of presentations, both here and abroad. Liddy teaches graduate courses in Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, and Data Mining. Email:
Yongtao Linis the Librarian at Tom Baker Cancer Knowledge Center, Health Information Network, University of Calgary. Yongtao is responsible for managing the Tom Baker Cancer Knowledge Centre, where she provides library services to clinicians, staff, patients and families. Prior to this position, she worked as a hospital librarian in Nova Scotia, after graduating from the School of Information Management from Dalhousie University in 2004. She also has a Bachelor of Education and taught in the UK. Her research interests include evidence-based clinical practice, grey literature, problem-based learning, and health information literacy. Email:
Michael Lines, MA, MLS is a law librarian at the University of Victoria Diana M. Priestly Law Library in British Columbia, Canada. He has a background in classical and medieval history, and has strong interests in archival studies, legal history, and promoting access to information. Email: Tomas Lipinski obtained his J.D. from Marquette University Law School, LL.M. from The John Marshall Law School, and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Professor Lipinski has worked in a variety of library and legal settings including the private, public and non-profit sectors. Professor Lipinski teaches researches and speaks frequently on various topics within the areas of information law and policy, especially copyright, free speech and privacy issues in schools and libraries. In fall of 2005, Professor Lipinski was placed on the Fulbright Senior Specialist Roster and was named a member of the Global Law Faculty, University of Leuven in Fall of 2006. Email:
Daniela Luzi is researcher of the National Research Council at the Institute of research on populations and social politics. Her interest in Grey Literature started at the Italian national reference centre for SIGLE at the beginning of her career and continued carrying out research on GL databases, electronic information and open archives. She has always attended the International GL conferences and in 2000 she obtained an award for outstanding achievement in the field of grey literature by the Literati Club. Email: M Bertrum H. MacDonald is the Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Management at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. He holds a BSc (Biology) from Acadia University, and an MA (History of Science), MLS, and PhD (Information Science) from the University of Western Ontario. He is the Editor of Electronic Resources for the History of the Book in Canada / Histoire du livre et de l’imprimé au Canada project>, funded by a $2.3 million grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. His research focuses primarily on the dissemination of scientific information among Canadian scientists and engineers (both historically and currently) and on the history of scientific and technical publishing in Canada. In 2001 he was named a Dibner Library Research Scholar at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. In recognition of his significant contributions to the bibliography of Canadian science and technology he was awarded the Marie Tremaine Medal by the Bibliographical Society of Canada in 2000 and is the GreyNet Award Recipient in 2004. Email:
Diana Macrì Officer of ISFOL, Institute for the Development of vocational training for workers (National Public Research organization involved in VET and labour policies) since 1980. Since 1997 she works in the Specialised Documentation Centre and she participate in research projects on scientific documentation and technical information concerning institutional fields. Email:
Paolo Manghi, Research Fellow at the NMIS lab of the Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione (ISTI), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy. His interests are in the fields of Data Models for Digital Libraries, Types for Compound Objects in Digital Repositories, Digital Library Systems and Services, Service-Oriented Infrastructures for Digital Libraries, Database Systems, Type systems for XML languages, Query languages for XML data, XML P2P database systems. Member of the core expert group of Europeana and of the workgroup on content interoperability. He is involved in the DRIVER/DRIVER II, OpenAIRE and EFG EC projects and in the Microsoft project R2D2. Email: Paolo.Manghi@ISTI.CNR.IT
Claudia Marzi graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature at Pisa University in 1998, with the dissertation "The power of words: language creativity in Edgar Allan Poe’s narrative". Since2001 she has been working at the CNR Institute for Computational Linguistics in Pisa. She contributed to many national (funded by Italian Ministry of Research) and international (funded by European Commission) projects. Principal organizer of the European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop “Words in action: Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding word processing and storage” (Pisa, Oct. 2009); coordinator of a ESF Research Networking Programme proposal (call 2009) on “The European Network on Word Structure. Cross-disciplinary approaches to understanding word structure in the languages of Europe”. Member of ILC scientific board at Institute for Computational Linguistics. Email:
Patricia Merrikin is Reference Librarian at the David Lubin Memorial Library of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the U.N. where she has worked since 1992.Her subject areas include Agriculture, Rural Development as well as Development economics and sociology.She is one of the key contacts for AGLINET, an international network of agriculture libraries.Ms Merrikin works closely with FAO staff providing expert assistance with information identification and retrieval. Email: Marilyn Minderhoud studied sociology and politics at London University and has an MA in Africa History from the University of Sussex, UK. During the ten years she was a lecturer at the University of Zambia she worked on various research projects dealing with the history of agriculture in Central Africa. She has been involved in development-orientated publication for many years and her present position involves the documentation and sourcing of material for the six magazines published by the Centre for Information on Low External Input Agriculture. Email:
Lea Myohanen (BS, MS, MSILS) has worked as a reference librarian at the New York Academy of Medicine library since 1999. She is the library liaison to the Divisions of Health & Science Policy and Public Health and to the Center for Urban Epidemiological Studies. Email:
Marek Nahotko is a PhD in Librarianship and Information Science obtained in Wroclaw University, Poland. He is working as a Professor Assistant at the Institute of Information Science and Librarianship of Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. At the Institute he regularly teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in grey literature, electronic publishing and description of electronic publications (traditional and new metadata schema). He has held position of director of the Library of Cracow Univ. of Technology as well information management related position in private industry. His current interests are digital libraries and role of Internet in scientific communication. He has attended several national & international conferences and has 5 books and about 90 articles and conference papers at his credit. Email:
Elizabeth Newbold - After completing a degree in applied sciences and an MSc in Information Studies Elizabeth started a career as an information professional specialising in scientific, medical and technical information provision. Elizabeth has worked in a number of organisations and specialist information units, providing information research services to researchers in both the public and private sector before moving to the British Library in 2003 to manage the science, technology and medicine (STM) collections. Currently leading the STM Content & Collections team for the British Library her work focuses on collection and content development strategies and policies. Her interest in grey literature has developed over the years from her experiences working in organisations that were both users and producers of grey literature. Email: O Maliaca Oxnam has been a science-engineering librarian at the University of Arizona Libraries (UAL) since 2000.Her leadership roles include leading several strategic projects for UAL, including the Strategic Long Range Planning for the Libraries. Maliaca has also served as a co-PI on the development of the Geotechnical Rock & Water Resources Digital Library (GROW) and as a key participant on Einstein’s Protégé’s”: A Heuristic approach to Bridging the Gap between Faculty Expectations and Student Preparedness funded respectively by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Education. Maliaca has served as vice-chair/chair-elect of the ALA ACRL Science & Technology Section and serves as chair of the Technical Report Archive & Image Library (TRAIL) Taskforce on a joint project for the Greater Western Library Alliance and Center for Research Libraries aimed at enabling and increasing access to US scientific grey literature. P Pasquale Pagano graduated in Computer Science at the University of Pisa, is a member of the research staff of the "Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie della Informazione “A. Faedo”(ISTI) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). He has a strong background on digital library distributed architectures. Since then he has participated to the design of the most relevant DL systems developed by CNR under the 5th FP. He has been one of the early developers of the ERCIM Technical Reference Digital Library (ETRDL). He has lead the design and development activity of “SCHOLNET: A Digital Library Testbed to Support Networked Scholarly Communities –(RTD-V Framework Project No. IST-1999-20664) and he has designed the Virtual Library component in the project “CYCLADES: An Open Collaborative Virtual Archive Environment –” (RTD-V Framework Project No. IST-2000-25456). Currently, he is leading the development and deployment of the OpenDLib ( digital library service system in different application areas (libraries, archives, commercial publishing organisations). His current research interests include digital libraries services and architectures. Email:
Gabriella Pardelli was born at Pisa, graduated in Arts in 1980 at the Pisa University, submitting a thesis on the History of Science. Since 1984, researcher at theNational Research Council, Institute of Computational Linguistics "Antonio Zampolli" ILC, in Pisa. Head of the Library of the ILC Institute since 1990, responsible for the Archives of the ILC Institute since 2005. Her interests and activity range from studies in grey literature and terminology, with particular regard to the Computational Linguistics and its related disciplines, to the creation of documentary resources for digitallibraries in the Humanities. She has participated in many national and international projects including the recent projects:- BIBLOS: Historical, Philosophical and Philological Digital Library of the Italian National Research Council, (funded by CNR ); - For digital edition of manuscripts of Ferdinand de Saussure (Research Programs of Relevant National Interest, PRIN- funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research, MIUR). Email:
Leonid P. Pavlov graduated from Moscow Physical-Engineering Institute, Dipl. Eng. in computer systems. He is a Candidate of Sciences in informatics; and since 1976 is employed with the Scientific and Technical Information Centre of Russia (VNTIC) as Deputy Director. Main works in information systems, scientific and technical information, and grey literature. Email :
Petra Pejsova studied information science and librarianship at Charles University. She works as an information specialist in the State technical Library, Czech Republic. Actually she is leading a project Digital Library for Grey Literature – Functional model and pilot. Email:
Anna H. Perrault is Professor in the School of Library and Information Science at the University of South Florida. Her bibliometric studies of aggregated academic library collections have won numerous research awards. Collection assessment projects have resulted in legislative appropriations to enhance academic library collections. Email:
Thomas E. Pinelli currently manages NASA’s Center for Distance Learning where he is responsible for the production of five high-energy, Emmy® award-winning, educational programs that enhance and enrich the teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Prior to assuming this position, he was a co-principal investigator of the NASA/DoD Aerospace Diffusion Research Project that examined the diffusion of aerospace knowledge at the individual, organizational, national, and international levels. Among other objectives, this project examined the role played by the technical report in the production, transfer, and use of technical information within the aerospace community. The results of this 10-year investigation were published in Knowledge Diffusion in the U.S. Aerospace Industry: Managing Knowledge for Competitive Advantage. In 1990, his dissertation, The Relationship between the Use of U.S. Government Technical Reports by U.S. Aerospace Engineers and Scientists and Selected Institutional and Sociometric Variables, received the American Society for Information Science “Best Doctoral Dissertation Award.” In 1985, he received the National Council of Teachers of English “Best Journal Article on Formal Research in Pedagogy or Philosophy” for The Function of Technical Report Components in Screening and Reading Technical Reports. In 1983, Pinelli received the STC Outstanding Research Paper Award for A Survey of Usage of Technical Report Components to Establish Their Most Effective Organization. Pinelli received his Ph.D. from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana in 1990. Email:
Isabella Pitoni Since 1981, Researcher officer of ISFOL Institute for the Development of vocational training for workers (National Public Research organization involved in VET and labour policies) responsible for designing and managing research projects on scientific documentation and technical information concerning institutional fields. Since 1997 Director of the Specialised documentation Centre of ISFOL Director of the ISFOL research and technical assistance Unit to Ministry of Labour for European Social Fund Communication and Information policies. And, She is an author of scientific and technical issues on specific themes. Email:
Hélène Prost works since 1995 as a librarian at INIST-CNRS and is specialised in the evaluation of collections and document supply. Actually she is preparing an interface in order to compare different databases. She obtained a Master in History in 1991 and a Master in Scientific Information in 1993. She published on statistical and bibliometric analysis of information. Email: R Debbie Rabina is a Assistant Professor at Pratt Institute, School of Information and Library Science. Her areas of teaching and research include scholarly communication, LIS education, government and NGO information sources, and information policy. Email:
Sara Ranger is currently the Outreach Librarian at the University of Houston Libraries. She is a member of the Instruction team of the Research and Instructional Services Department. Ranger is the subject librarian for the College of Technology and until recently was also the subject librarian for the Physics department. She is a reviewer for the online journal E-Streams. Her current focus is on information literacy and instruction, but she has worked on a wide variety of projects. While a student at the Information School at the University of Washington, she worked on projects in online catalog displays and GL in special libraries. More recently, she co-hosted a symposium on science and technology serials. Before becoming a librarian, Ranger worked at She is also an entomologist and received her MS in entomology from the University of Georgia. Email:
Pete Reehling is GIS & Data Formats Librarian for the University of South Florida Libraries. Currently, he is establishing an Enterprise Geodatabase using Oracle and ArcSDE to create a central GIS repository and evaluate its effectiveness in providing GIS data to the USF GIS user community, including karst scientists. Email: Debra Revere, MLIS, MA is Lead Research Scientist of the myPublicHealth Project at the Center of Excellence in Public Health Informatics and holds a Clinical Faculty position in the School of Public Health and Community Medicine at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. She also leads the Telemakus Project in the Department of Medical Education and Biomedical Informatics. Debra came to the UW in 1999 as a National Library of Medicine (NLM) Fellow in the Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems (IAIMS) Program. She has since worked on a number of biomedical informatics projects. In 2003 she received a Visiting Researcher appointment at NLM's Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications to conduct research on applying NLM tools to automate text analysis and indexing of unstructured documents. Her research interests include examining the utility, application, and potential of text mining and indexing programs and spatial-semantic navigation tools for information seeking and retrieval within unstructured document collections. Email:
Paula Robeson, RN, MScN earned her BN from Memorial University of Newfoundland (1987) and MScN from the University of Ottawa (2000). She has a breadth of nursing experience from across Canada in primary health care, public health, health promotion, and population health. Paula is employed at McMaster University as a Knowledge Broker (KB) with both and the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools (NCCMT), one of six public health collaborating centres funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada. In these KB roles Paula is responsible for knowledge transfer and exchange with public health decision makers across Canada to assist them to develop and support evidence-informed practice, programs, and policies in their organizations and communities. To that end, Paula was the Knowledge Broker with a 3-year RCT, Evaluating the Evidence on Knowledge Brokers: Comparing Strategies to support Decision-Makers' Translation of Evidence on Physical Activity and Healthy Body Weights. Through the NCCMT, Paula is coordinating the development of a national network of public health managers. Email:
Wilma Roem studied biology at the University of Groningen and was graduated as an ecologist. She has worked as a researcher in Wageningen University for eight year. She has also worked as an information specialist for several organisations in the fields of ecology and agriculture. In her present position as information specialist for ILEIA, she is responsible for the organisation’s documentation centre and is involved in sourcing material and information for the LEISA Magazine. Email:
Lynne Marie Rudasill holds a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois, with additional studies in political science from Illinois State University.She currently serves as Global Studies Librarian and subject specialist in political science and speech communication at the University of Illinois where she is an Associate Professor of Library Administration.Her current research is in the area of information use and production by non-governmental organizations and the archiving of grey literature.She continues her work in web usability and accessibility as well. Email:
Nathan Rupp is a metadata librarian at Cornell University's Albert R. Mann Library where he provides access to the library's digital resources, including electronic journals and digital library collections such as the Home Economics Archive (HEARTH, In addition, he assists Cornell students, faculty and staff with research through the library's reference program and teaches workshops on various computer applications. With Lee LaFleur, he explored the use of D-Space ( for providing access to university conference proceedings. He is currently researching how web blogs fit into library collections, the usefulness of the traditional library online catalog as a data repository for supporting other library projects, and how a repository for storing metadata schemes and transformations might help librarians reuse metadata tools to more efficiently develop digital library projects. He has an undergraduate degree in history and graduate degree in library science from San Jose State University in California. Before coming to Cornell, he worked for academic libraries in Indiana and Pennsylvania. Email: S Sandra Salinetti deals with the production of technical reports produced by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, assisting authors in the preparation and editing of documents and reviewing the texts to comply with national and international standards and make them available through the Internet. She participates in a training project on scientific writing to improve authors’ personal skills in the production of scientific documents with special reference to the presentation of technical reports. Email: Manuela Sassi graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature at Pisa University, 110/110 cum laude. Since 1974 she has been working in Pisa at the Institute for Computational Linguistics of the National Research Council. Her interests and experiences range from linguistic to textual data processing and in providing linguistic resources on-line. She has been responsible for many national projects and has participated in numerous international projects. Email: Philipp Schaer works as a researcher at GESIS-IZ Social Science Information Centre in Bonn and holds a degree in computer science from the University of Koblenz-Landau. Since 2007 he is working on the project SSOAR, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), which has the goal to build an international Social Science Open Access Repository. His research interests are in human-computer interaction and user-centered design. Email: Joachim Schöpfel obtained his Ph.D. in psychology from the Hamburg University in 1992. During his studies in psychology, he participated in research on bilingual children of Turkish immigrants in Hamburg, of the German minority in Denmark, and in a French-German High School in Versailles, France. From 1991 to 2008, he worked at the French Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (INIST-CNRS) in different positions in database production and library management, at last as head of the e-publishing and document supply department. During the same time, he was lecturer at the University of Nancy. At present, he is senior lecturer in information and communication sciences at the Charles de Gaulle University of Lille 3. He published on GL, document delivery, digital libraries, scientific publishing, usage statistics and professional development. Email: Wei Shen has a degree in computer science from Technical University Darmstadt and works since 2003 as a researcher at GESIS-IZ Social Science Information Centre in Bonn. She was involved in several projects funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) to enhance the technical infrastructure for scholarly publishing. In one of these projects she developed a module for in-context discussion in electronic publications. Her research interests include human-computer interaction information systems. Email:
Kijeong Shin is the team leader of Knowledge Resources Team at Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information. He is also responsible for managing the KESLI consortium, developing information resource based on cooperative work as well as enlarging global circulation of domestic scholarly information. As the professional engineer, he leaded the project of developing web based integrated information service. He has been consulting and evaluating informatization projects of government and public institutes. His particular areas of interest are web services, XML, and U-library. He obtained his master’s degree in Computer Science from Hanyang University. Email:
Gretta E. Siegel has worked as a librarian since 1984 at universities, research institutes, and with state and federal agencies and Indian tribes. Her interests center on issues concerning access to information in the sciences and include topics such as the economics of scholarly communication, access to grey literature, subject mapping, and information literacy for graduate students. She has also made several trips to Cuba to observe and participate in their informaticization efforts. The author currently works at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon as their Science Librarian, Coordinator of Graduate Student Services, and Coordinator of Scholarly Communication Outreach and Initiatives. The author holds degrees in chemistry, biochemistry and biophysics, and information science. Email:
Padam Simkhada (B. Ed., M.Sc., PhD) is working as an International Research Fellow in the Department of Public Health at the University of Aberdeen UK. Padam graduated from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He completed a M.Sc. in Health Promotion from Brunel University, London in 1999 and PhD from Southampton University UK in 2002. Padam worked for Ministry of Health in Nepal and Save the Children (UK) for several years. He has long experience in reproductive and sexual health issues, particularly in the areas of HIV/AIDS. Simkhada’s main research interest is in international health, working on migration, sex trafficking and sexual health. He has great interest in the use of grey literature to inform evidence-based decision-making in the field of emergency nutrition. He is convener of International Health Interest Group in Aberdeen. Email:
Maximilian Stempfhuber holds a degree in information science and business computing (M. A.) from the University of Regensburg and a PhD in computer science from the University of Koblenz-Landau. He works as Head of ICT at RWTH Aachen University, University Library.From 1995 until July 2009 he worked at GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences (formerly IZ Social Science Information Centre) in Bonn, first as a researcher in the project ELVIRA, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) where he developed an integrated information system for market research. Since 2000 he was Head of Research and Development and since 2004 Deputy Directors of GESIS-IZ. Since 2002 he is lecturing in human-computer interaction and computational visualistics at the University of Koblenz-Landau. He is board member of several national and international organizations aiming at improving the exchange of research information, supporting scholarly publishing and promoting Open Access. His research interests are in human-computer interaction, computational visualistics, information retrieval, and digital libraries. Email:
Christiane Stock is the Head of the Monographs and Grey Literature service at INIST, in charge of the repositories LARA (reports), mémSIC (master’s theses in information sciences) and OpenSIGLE. Member of the Technical Committee for the SIGLE database from 1993 to 2005, she also set up the national agency for ISRN (International Standard Report Number). She is member of the AFNOR expert group who prepared the recommended metadata scheme for French electronic theses (TEF). Email:
Patricia T. Sulouff is Head Librarian at the Physics, Optics, and Astronomy Library at the University of Rochester, since 1993. She holds a B.S. from Penn State and an M.L.S. from Syracuse University. Email: T Hiroshi Tsuda is Director of Paris office of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). He joined Research Development Corporation of Japan (JRDC), the forerunner of JST, in 1992. Since then, he has been involved with a variety of JST activities such as basic research programs, technology transfer programs and research exchange programs. He also temporarily worked for the Science and Technology Agency, Prime Minister’s Office as a special staff to coordinate APEC activities and to manage international collaborative research programs as well as fellowship programs. Since 2005, he has been working in Paris to promote international collaboration between JST and counterpart organizations in Europe. He holds a bachelor of law (Japan) and diploma in business administration (US). Email: V
Marcus Vaska is a librarian for the Physician Learning Program (PLP), a new collaborative initiative between the Universities of Alberta and Calgary, funded via an Alberta Medical Association (AMA) trilateral agreement.Marcus is responsible for assisting physicians in their research, and addressing their perceived and unperceived learning needs.Prior to this position, he was a librarian at the University of Calgary’s Health Sciences Library.Marcus’ current interests focus on educational techniques aimed at creating greater awareness and thereby bringing grey literature to the forefront in the medical community.Email:
Martin Vesely, PhD candidate, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Martin Vesely received his master degree in computer science at the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics at the University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic (2000). His research interests are predominantly in the domain of digital libraries, focusing mainly on the topics of semantic interoperability and integration, ontologies, natural language processing and text mining. Since 1998 he has been involved in several research projects at CERN in the domain of digital library integration. Recently he has been also appointed at the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), where he focuses on theoretical aspects of semantic interoperability and text mining. He participates in the Network of Excellence in Text Mining and Its Application in Statistics (NEMIS). Email:
J. K. Vijayakumar is Science Specialist Librarian at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia. Before joining KAUST, he was with American University of Antigua in West Indies and with UGC’s INFLIBNET Centre in India. He holds PhD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations for Indian Universities) and Master Degrees in Library and Information Sciences. He is the recipient of Salzburg Global Fellowship (2008) in Austria, Professional Visiting Grant from Bibliothek Information International in Germany (2006), IFLA-OCLC Fellowship (2002) and IFLA – ALP Travel Grant (2004). He is a Member of Editorial/Reviewer Boards of several International Journals and Conferences, as well as in Doctoral Committee of several Indian Universities. He co-authored two books and published several articles on Digital Libraries, Electronic Theses and Dissertations, E-Resources, Library Networking, Resource Sharing, Health Librarianship etc. Email: W Mitsutoshi Wada is Manager of Electronic Journals Division, Department of Literature Information of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Since 2003, he is in charge of the electronic journal system J-STAGE. He joined JICST (former JST) in 1985, and had been working for computer systems development and networking. He graduated from Shizuoka University in Physics, and obtained a master degree from the Graduate School of Science of Kobe University. Email:
Markus Weber studied Sociology, English Linguistics and Social and Preventive Medicine at Zurich and Lausanne University in Switzerland. For many years he worked for institutions active in harm reduction measures (street work, shelter homes, etc.). On finishing his studies he started work at the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health in the Competence Centre for Evaluation (CCE) where he is responsible for designing, mandating, assessing and valorizing external evaluation studies on the Office’s public measures (prevention, control, information). Email:
Janet Webster is the head librarian at Oregon State University's Guin Library located at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon U.S.A. This library focuses on marine science and supports an active field research center. Her various interests include collaborative filtering, integration of grey literature into library collections, and global access to local information. Most recently, during her 2004 sabbatical, Professor Webster developed a plan for an institutional repository at OSU and then collaborated with the Fisheries Department of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization to study enhancing access to information that supports implementation of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. She is an active member of the International Association of Marine and Aquatic Libraries and Information Centers having served as its president and on numerous committees. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago and her MLS from Columbia University. Email: Peter G. Wells has recently retired from Environment Canada, though he is still there as a volunteer research scientist. His main affiliations are Professor and Adjunct Professor, Marine Affairs and Environmental and Resource Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS., and Adjunct Professor, Environmental Programs and the Acadia Centre for Estaurine Research, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS.He has been very involved in a recent study on the grey literature of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment (GOMC), comparing it to the previous study of GESAMP literature. The primary focus of the research team at Dalhousie is to examine the output, distribution, use and influence in policy and decision making of the grey literature of marine environmental intergovernmental groups, particularly the influence as the literature is expanding rapidly, while the ecosystem health and biological diversity of coastal seas and the oceans in many parts of the world are declining even faster. Email:
Kate Wittenberg is Director of the Electronic Publishing Initiative at Columbia. Kate serves as project director for the electronic publications Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO), Columbia Earthscape, Gutenberg-e Online History, Digital Anthropology Resources for Teaching, and Core Integration for the National Science Digital Library. Kate's work focuses in particular on the creation of sustainable cost-recovery business plans for digital scholarship and education, digital rights management, collaborative organizational models, and the evaluation of use and costs of scholarly and educational digital resources. Email: Y Suhyeon Yoo is a researcher for the Knowledge Resources Team at Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information. She is responsible for developing overseas electronic information resources including electronic grey resources. She is also in charge of administration for national licenses of KESLI(Korean Electronic Site License Initiative) which is a group buying consortium of overseas electronic resources. Her particular areas of interest are copyright, document delivery, collaborative digital reference service and user interface design. She obtained her master’s degree in Library & Information Science from Yonsei University. Email:
Peter R. Young, as Chief of the Asian Division at the Library of Congress since November 2008, Peter R. Young provides leadership, direction, and planning for Asian Division programs and services. The Division manages the most comprehensive library collections of materials outside of Asia representing China, Japan, Korea, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Asian Pacific Americans. With over 3.1 million items, the Asian Division collections represent a unique resource. Young is responsible for the Library’s strategy for digital information related to science and technology. Email: Z Franco Zoppi has been working for a long time in the design and implementation of software systems in the areas of DBMS, Distributed Office Information Systems and Digital Library Systems. Initially employed at Research and Development Department of Olivetti S.p.A., then at the Network Laboratory of the Telecommunications Department of Telecom Italia, in 2001 he joined the Information System Department of the University of Pisa as Project Manager. Since 2005 he has been working as Research Associate at the CNR-ISTI, where he coordinates the CNR activities in the BELIEF-II project. He is also involved in the DRIVER-II, EFG and HOPE FP7 projects. Email:
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